Niarbyl blaze caused by discarded cigarette
01 Jun 2021
BBC News:

A large blaze on the Isle of Man was started by a discarded cigarette.
Police said the fire at Niarbyl on the west of the island on Monday had been caused by "someone's reckless actions" and had tied up resources for several hours.
The blaze destroyed a hut and "ruined" part of the "beautiful coastline", a spokesman added.
Peel lifeboat and the coastguard assisted the fire service in accessing the area
A spokesman for Isle of Man Police said: "Although this appears to have been a genuine accident this has taken up a lot of resources which may have been needed elsewhere.
"Thankfully nobody was hurt."
Anyone accessing the countryside during the current spell of hot, dry weather has been urged to be mindful of their surroundings and discard of barbeques and cigarettes carefully.